16 May

On May 16th 2024, RTL4 visited PortoMari for a special episode on their program "Nederland ontdekt", hosted by Inge de Bruijn. The focus of this episode was on the BRANCH Coral Foundation, an organization dedicated to coral conservation and marine life preservation in Curaçao.

During the visit, Inge de Bruijn conducted an interview with Max van Aalst jr., the director of BRANCH Coral Foundation, discussing the foundation’s efforts and initiatives in marine conservation.

Additionally, WAVE7 Creations was on site to capture behind-the-scenes footage of the filming process. This behind-the-scenes coverage offers viewers a glimpse into the production of the episode and the work being done by the BRANCH Coral Foundation, providing a comprehensive look at the organization’s impact and the filming of "Nederland ontdekt".

This episode will be broadcasted on Dutch television at the end of September.

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